Impact Soundworks – COSMOS (KONTAKT)

By | April 27, 2023


Publisher : Impact Soundworks
Website : Impact Soundworks
Format : KONTAKT
Quality : 24 bit 48 kHz stereo

Description : Impact Soundworks library developed by Andrew Aversa
Sound design by David Steve Hill • Written by Mario Kruschel • Edited by Christian Yoder • Art by Dicky Chapin

Instrument v1.00
Welcome to COSMOS, an impressive synthesizer designed with atmospheric, pulsating and ambient sounds and inspired by the wonders of outer space. Each of the hundreds of unique “phrases” (arpeggios, sequences, gates) and playable textures delivers superior polished sound. Layer, tweak and combine to create your perfect cosmic soundscape!
Sound sources included a range from subtle bass sequences and tone pads to harsh and bright arpies in main/secondary, trance-like slots, and “one note” sonic evolutions. Whether you’re looking for hard, smooth, noisy or relaxing elements, COSMOS offers instant inspiration.
Phrase Patch uses an engine based on our popular Allura library. The built-in browser tag allows you to debug a perfect tempo-synced loop and then assign it to a key switch of your choice and execute it with your right hand. The ambience patch gives you a variety of sound creation tools such as a four-layer sequencer to add rhythmic elements to any of the included audio or audio sound sources.

The package included:

Space contains 2 Kontakt nki’s – phrases and atmospheres. We’ll take a closer look at their GUIs, but first
a quick tip! If you’re unsure about a control’s functionality, simply hover your mouse over it and a handy help text will appear.
at the bottom of the Kontakt window.

Cosmos Phrases.nki includes 175 rhythmic phrases in various styles and tones.
At the top of the GUI, you will see a display panel showing the name and visual waveform for the currently selected
phrase. The left and right arrows allow you to quickly scroll through more phrases. Lock button Lock To Host
tempo phrases for your tempo. Turn it off to manually adjust it with the speed controller.
Clicking on the phrase name opens the browser. Here you can choose from 175 performance phrases.

Cosmos Ambiences.nki has 100 tonal and atonal environments.
Below the Cosmos logo, use the Soundsource dropdown to select ambiences or scroll through
them quickly using the left and right arrows. Many audio sources can be quite long, so we
included a Start slider to set the starting point for sample playback. *Hint* Clicking the Cosmos
logo will randomize the sound source!
To the right of the Cosmos logo is the Sequencer panel, where you can really dive in and have fun
creating your own beats. Here you can program up to 32 Volume, Pitch, Filter Cutoff steps
and Resonant Automation. Activate each table for editing by clicking on its button and turning it on or off
with the long button at the bottom. Draw your own steps and curves. To the right of the table are knobs
for setting the number of steps and the Rate interval. With the “link” button activated, you can change all
4 at the same time.
In the bottom left corner of the Ambiences GUI, you’ll find the ADSR sliders for the filter and amp, and a fifth slider for adjusting the
velocity sensitivity. On the right is a set of filter controls – Cutoff, Resonance, Depth and
select “Filter Type” from the dropdown list.
Finally, the “leaf” icon switches between different re-pump modes – Normal or Time Machine Pro (which sounds
better, but is more CPU intensive).

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