8Dio – Studio Vintage Series: Studio Clavinet (KONTAKT)

By | September 25, 2024


Publisher : 8Dio
Format : Kontakt (5.5.1+)
Quality : Stereo 48 kHz 24 bits

Description : Electric clavichord Hohner Clavinet D6
The venerable clavinet is no stranger to modern music, or more specifically, sampling. We at 8Dio have taken this iconic instrument and sampled it so thoroughly that it will never need to be sampled again. The Studio Clavinet is similar to a piano in appearance and performance, but its sound is more like a rich, powerful electric guitar. This is partly due to the size, placement, and length of the strings and bridge used, as well as the two separate pickups that can be used solo, combined, and inverted.

The Studio Clavinet was recorded in detail and mastered at 96kHz 24-bit quality at Scotland’s leading recording studio, Gorbals Sound, using a dedicated Neve desk, then downsampled to 48kHz for easy streaming. The sustain samples were recorded with all available pickup options and multiple speakers, allowing for incredible detail in the sound.

The Studio Clavinet also provides full control over velocity response, resonance and release triggers, pedal volume, analog noise control, and full ADSR control. From punchy leads to soft melodic lines, the Studio Clavinet really knows how to deliver the funk.

Features :
• 8 available tones (Neumann U 87, Coles, Neve and other microphones)
• AKG microphones mounted on 2 vintage amps
• 2 professional reverbs (Bricasti and TC)
• 3 authentic direct analog signals and tape versions
• Sustain, staccato and prepared articulations (e.g. muted)
• Intuitive and advanced 3D control
• Advanced Chaos Effects Systems

Note :
The files in the ISO format. This file should be extracted to the root of the library folder.

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