Puremagnetik – Digitar (KONTAKT)

By | October 8, 2017


Digitar – the world’s first MIDI-guitar from Casio can now be part of your studio. Dig in the sound bank of the DG series and arrange your session with one of the strangest musical inventions of the 80s.

The musical technology of the 80s is controlled by a gamut from revolutionary digital synthesis to more experimental efforts. The digital guitar Casio belongs to the latter category, and although this is an unusual musical fiction, we consider it to be steep enough and unique to create a sound package.

Casio Digital Guitar is a string guitar that translates performance onto an on-board computer and plays the selected sound.

Puremagnetik sampled all the onboard sounds, and also used the resources of Digital Guitar one step further, using the device for more complex programs.

Kontakt 5


Publisher : Puremagnetik
Website : puremagnetik.com/products/digitar-casio-guitar-ableton-live-pack-kontakt-instrument-apple-logic-samples
Format : KONTAKT
Quality : 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo


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