Orange Tree Samples – Evolution Stratosphere v1.1.61 (KONTAKT)

By | December 14, 2018


Publisher : Orange Tree Samples
Website : Orange Tree Samples
Format : KONTAKT 5.5.0 +
Quality : 24 bit 48 kHz stereo

Description : Electric Guitar

When it comes to sampled guitar realism. It will be a line to hit scores. The guitar engine incorporates a new generation of realism and more intuitive play.
For example, Evolution Stratosphere has an intuitive, powerful strumming pattern editor. It is important that it makes it possible to make it better than a traditionally-used step-by-step system. It gives you the strummed, the direction of the strummed, and the speed of the strummed. Plus, you can use many patterns for a single strum pattern, and even more.
Evolution Stratosphere comes with a robust guitar effects engine, including a vast collection of modeled guitar pedals. Additionally, you can select the guitar for you. You can’t get amazing-sounding tones.
But your ears decide.
Key Features:
– Multitracking up to quadruple tracking.
– Adjustable pick position using our proprietary physical modeling technology.
– Various vibrato styles, from classic vibrato to rock and metal vibrato with adjustable depth / speed. Vibrato can be assigned to MIDI CCs or aftertouch.
– Powerful mapping, MIDI CCs, latching and non-latching keyswitches, and more.
– Built-in strumming strumming pattern.
Sampling specifications:
– Over 10,000 samples, recorded in 24-bit, 48khz.
– Articulations such as sustains, half palm mutes, full palm mutes, mutes, squeals, tapping, natural harmonics, plus special effects such as chugs, scratches, string slaps, and much more. For each of them, it was not a problem.
– MIDI articulations for instant notes upward / downward grace notes, buzz trills, whole-step slides, whole-step hammer-ons, slides (velocity-based and tempo-synced), octaves, and powerchords.
– Legato samples for slides, hammer-ons, and pull-offs.
– The articulations have 3 dynamics, 2 pick directions (when applicable), and 2x round-robin.
– Modeled pickup selection for bridge, bridge + middle, middle, middle + neck, and neck pickups.
Change list:
– Separate spring reverb effect module which features 11 spring reverb tanks to select from. New line of guitar cabinets, including modern and classic guitar cabs.
– Added chord mode selection keys for on-the-fly chord mode switching.
– New “Velocity to strum speed”, “velocity to strum distance”, and “strum velocity decay” settings for downstroke / upstroke strum keys.
– Adjustable legato volume.
– “Sixteenth Note Slide” articulation added.
– Improved automatic chord algorithm.
– Improved dynamic memory efficiency.
Known issues:
– Strumming pattern sync issues when holding a pattern for multiple bars. In case of a pattern for the automatic patterning
We need to make it quicker to find out.
It was not a problem to make a difference.
Here’s the plan moving forward. There’s been a lot of effort.
For each Evolution series.
– Strumming pattern playback / editing and chord system improvements.
– Settings organized, possibly into multiple sections – for example, one section dedicated to the keyboard keys

2 thoughts on “Orange Tree Samples – Evolution Stratosphere v1.1.61 (KONTAKT)

  1. Pedro

    how do I use this? I try to load it up in kontakt, but it says it belongs to a library that isn’t installed.


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